Choice Donations 2024

All Donations are acknowledged below.

(A) indicates the donation was paid into our Australian Charity.

(E) indicates the donation was deposited in our UK Charity.

Month ending January 2024

Donations Received

Faye Colenso AUD$100.00 Australia (A)

Trixty Allot AUD$50.00 Australia (A)

Sally Flanagan AUD$40.00 Australia (A)

Simona Kudishevich AUD$100.00 Australia (A)

Adam Taylor AUD$750.00 UK (E)

John Michael (Ratana Child Sponsor) USD$48.00 USA (E)

Marie Trewella AUD$20.00 Australia (A)

Liz Smith USD$5.00 UK (E)

Month ending February 2024

Donations Received

Jenny Le Neveu  AUD$500.00 Australia (A)

Liz AUD$388.00 UK (E)

Marie Trewella AUD$20.00 Australia (A)

Trixty Allot AUD$50.00 Australia (A)

Faye Colenso AUD$30.00 Australia (A)

John Michael (Ratana Child Sponsor) USD$48.00 USA (E)

Liz Smith USD$5.00 UK (E)

Month ending March 2024

Donations Received

Liz Smith USD$5.00 UK (E)

Marie Trewella AUD$20.00 Australia (A)

Trixty Allot AUD$50.00 Australia (A)

Faye Colenso AUD$30.00 Australia (A)

Kiwanis Club of Geelong AUD$500 (A)

Month ending April 2024

Donations Received

John Michael (Ratana Child Sponsor) USD$196.31 USA (E)

Pauline Kontelj AUD$30.00 Australia (A)

Faye Colenso AUD$30.00 Australia (A)

Marie Trewella AUD$20.00 Australia (A)

Danielle Zavaglia AUD$50.00 Australia (A)

Liz Smith USD$5.00 UK (E)

ALCHOCHEM Minerals AUD$1,468.00 (A)

Month ending May 2024

Donations Received

Faye Colenso AUD$30.00 Australia (A)

Lynn M McDonald (for sweetie) AUD$50.00 (A)

Jenny Le Neveu (for sweetie) AUD $17.33 (A)

Pauline Kontelj (for sweetie) AUD$50.00 (A)

Estha Carol (for sweetie) AUD$50.00 (A)

Timothy Hall AUD$1800.00 (A)

Mark Humber AUD$48.00 (E)

Danielle Zavaglia AUD$50.00 (A)

ALCHOCHEM Minerals AUD$713.03 (A)

Janean Holbrook AUD$365.36 (A)

Liz Smith USD$5.00 UK (E)

Month ending June 2024

Donations Received

Faye Colenso AUD$30.00 Australia (A)

Ella Joy AUD$250.00 (A)

John Michael (Ratana Child Sponsor) USD$100.00 (E)

ALCHOCHEM Minerals AUD$711.31 (A)

Liz Smith USD$5.00 UK (E)

Month ending July 2024

Donations Received

Faye Colenso AUD$30.00 Australia (A)

Kong Ly (for Chann) USD$300 UK (E)

Lisa & Jason Preston (Chhan) AUD$50.00 Australia (A)

Timothy and Paige Hall (Chhan) USD$350.00 USA (A)

Bronwyn Carnegie (Chhan) AUD$50.00 Australia (A)

Danielle Zavaglia (Chhan) AUD$50.00 Australia (A)

James Thomson AUD$100.00 UK (E)

Charity for the extreme poor